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My First Hook Up

My First Hook Up

My most embarrassing moment happened when I was 14. I was attending a high school basketball game and I ended up making out with one of the seniors. He was 18. We had walked over to his car and started kissing. We were breathing hard and things got all hot and heavy. He unzipped his pants and whispered in my ear, "beat me off." Like I said, I was 14 and not exactly what you would call "experienced." All I knew was that boys are very sentitive down there, so I was afraid of beating it. Again he whispered, "beat me off." So I batted it around a little, gently spanked it a few times, and smacked it back and forth a little. After a few minutes we went back inside the school. Imagine my embarrassment years later, when I found out what he had really meant! No wonder he never asked me out again! I am 42 years old now, and I still get embarrassed thinking about that incident. I will never forget this one moment for the rest of my life!
anonymous First-Date June 08, 2020 at 5:26 pm 0
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